how to deactivate Instagram account temporarily in mobile

If you want to deactivate your instagram account temporarily in 2024 you can follow below steps .
1 Open you profile , click on top right corner on three lines .
2 Then Click on Account Center ,
3 Then Click on Personal Details.
4 Then click on Account Ownership and Control
5 Then Click on Deactivation or Deletion
6 Then Select or Account name ,
7 Select Deactivate Account for temporarily deactivation or Select Delete for Permanent Deleting your account
8 Then Enter your Instagram password and click continue
9 Then Select any option like , just need a break and click continue
10 Then Press Deactivate Account Button ,
Your account will get deleted and also get hidden from all your instagram followers , friends , and all other peoples , it will only get activated again when you login to your instagram account again . Comment if you have any doubt or suggestion .
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